The following information was taken/borrowed directly from
Russ at [FOIA / anti-secrecy]
Credit to Russ Kick.
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Update: On Nov 4, 2016, “Jane Doe” told her lawyers to withdraw her lawsuit. (Around this time, the Daily Mail of London became the only media outlet to get photos and a face-to-face interview with her.) There is currently no active lawsuit.
A woman whose identity is being protected has filed a civil lawsuit against Donald Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein (a convicted sex offender) accusing them of raping her in 1994, when she was thirteen years old. The mainstream media have been almost unanimously silent about this.
The lawsuit has gone through three iterations:
• the original suit, Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, filed in California in April 2016
• Jane Doe v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, filed in New York in June 2016
• the second Jane Doe v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, filed in New York at the end of September 2016
By posting these documents (retrieved through Pacer, a site run by the federal court system), we’re not commenting on the merits of the suit. The fact is that the process is in motion: the lawsuit has been filed, a prominent lawyer is representing Jane Doe, summonses have been issued, and US District Judge Ronnie Abrams has scheduled a pretrial conference of counsel for all parties.
Trump’s attorneys have vehemently denied the accusations of the previous lawsuits, and regarding the current one, the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump’s campaign said the claims are “categorically false, frivolous, and sanctionable.”
Documents in the second Jane Doe v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein
1 – Complaint and related documents Filed & Entered: 9/30/2016
2 – Statement of RelatednessFiled & Entered: 9/30/2016
3 – Civil Cover SheetFiled & Entered: 10/03/2016
4 – Complaint [corrected] Filed & Entered: 10/03/2016
4-1 – Attachment: Declaration in Support of Plaintiff’s Request for a Protective Order [Jane Doe]
4-2 – Attachment: Declaration in Support of Plaintiff’s Request for Protective Order [Tiffany Doe]
4-3 – Attachment: Declaration in Support of Plaintiff’s Request for Protective Order [Joan Doe]
5 – Order for Initial Pretrial ConferenceFiled 10/04/2016, Entered 10/05/2016
6 – Request for Issuance of Summons [Trump] Filed & Entered: 10/07/2016
7 – Request for Issuance of Summons [Epstein] Filed & Entered: 10/07/2016
8 – Motion for Admission Pro Hac ViceFiled & Entered: 10/10/2016
9 – Affidavit in Support of Motion (Certificate of Good Standing)Filed & Entered: 10/10/2016
10 – Summons Issued [Trump] Filed & Entered: 10/12/2016
11 – Summons Issued [Epstein] Filed & Entered: 10/12/2016
12 – Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice [corrected] Filed & Entered: 10/18/2016; Terminated:10/19/2016
12-1 -Attachment: Exhibit [Supreme Court of Florida Certificate of Good Standing]
12-2 – Attachment: Text of Proposed Order
13 – “Full docket text for document 13: ORDER granting [12] Motion for James Cheney Mason to Appear Pro Hac Vice (HEREBY ORDERED by Judge Ronnie Abrams)(Text Only Order) (Abrams, Ronnie)” Filed & Entered: 10/19/2016
14 – Motion and Order to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filed & Entered: 11/01/2016; Terminated:11/01/2016
14-1 – Certification of Evan Goldman
15 – Notice of Voluntary DismissalFiled & Entered: 11/04/2016
Documents in the first Jane Doe v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein
1 – ComplaintFiled & Entered 06/20/2016
1-1 – Attachment: Declaration in Support of Plaintiff’s Request for Protective Order [Jane Doe] Filed & Entered 06/20/2016
1-2 – Attachment: Declaration in Support of Plaintiff’s Request for Protective Order [Tiffany Doe] Filed & Entered 06/20/2016
2 – Civil Cover SheetFiled & Entered 06/20/2016
3 – Request for Issuance of Summons [Trump] Filed & Entered 06/20/2016
4 – Request for Issuance of Summons [Epstein] Filed & Entered 06/20/2016
5 – Summons Issued [Trump] Filed & Entered 06/21/2016
6 – Summons Issued [Epstein] Filed & Entered 06/21/2016
7 – Order for Initial Pretrial Conference Filed & Entered 06/30/2016
8 – Order for Initial Pretrial Conference Filed & Entered 08/25/2016
9 – Notice of Voluntary DismissalFiled & Entered 09/16/2016
Documents in Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein
1 – Complaint – (Discovery) Filed: 04/26/2016 & Entered: 04/27/2016
2 – Certificate and Notice of Interested PartiesFiled: 04/26/2016 & Entered: 04/27/2016
3 – Request to Proceed In Forma Pauperis with Declaration in Support (CV-60)Filed: 04/26/2016 & Entered: 04/27/2016 & Terminated: 05/02/2016
4 – Notice of Assignment to United States Judges (CV-18)Filed: 04/26/2016 & Entered: 04/27/2016
5 – Notice to Parties of Court-Directed ADR Program (ADR-8)Filed: 04/26/2016 & Entered: 04/27/2016
6 – Order on Request to Proceed In Forma Pauperis with Declaration in Support (CV-60)Filed & Entered: 05/02/2016
7 – Mail ReturnedFiled: 05/09/2016 & Entered: 05/10/2016
8 – Mail ReturnedFiled: 05/09/2016 & Entered: 05/13/2016
Related articles:
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